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Growth of Western Civilization

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Final Exam Study Sheet
(R/P information in italics)
Format: two mandatory; 2 out of 3 essays

  1. Did Napoleon end the Revolution? Contribute to it? Personify it? Was he revolutionary or "the last of the enlightened despots"? Appraise the rule of his nephew, Napoleon III too.

  2. Identify ideologies with the following: Metternich, Burke, O'Connell (Hachey lecture), Mazzini, Pankhurst, Mill, David, Byron, Reform Bills of 1832 and 1867.

  3. What were the positive and negative aspects of industrialism? Describe the influences on Marx. Identify the particular importance of class struggle and surplus value. What were Marx's ideas toward India? What were the consequences of the second social and economic revolutions.

  4. Assess the unifications of Italy and Germany. How were Austria and France exploited by Cavour and Bismarck? Which "unifier" had the harder task?

  5. Cite examples of British and French "quiet imperialism." Use R/P too. What were the causes of the Second or New Imperialism and apply them to the Scrambles? Consider Jules Ferry's ideas, Livingstone's proselytism, and Kipling's poetry. How did Orientalism prepare an imperialist mentality? Consider the significance of Delacroix, Lamartine, Eberhardt. Discuss the resistance of 'Abd al-Qadir, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, Commissioner Lin, Kang Youwei, Mahatma Gandhi, and Ho Chi Minh. What were the trans-cultural effects of this imperial age? How was Japan affected by the "Wider West?" Cite Ito and Okuma.

  6. Describe the dialectic of hyper-rationalism and irrationalism. Who were the "new thinkers" or irrationalism? Cite examples of Freud and Nietzsche in Demian. Describe impressionism and expressionism in painting and music and cite some representative artists/composers.

  7. Describe the culpability for the Great War? (Gellott lecture too) Which country was most responsible? What did Kafka mean by a "lack of imagination" concerning World War I? What new weapons were introduced? Compare and contrast the Congress of Vienna and the Paris Peace Conference and the objectives and achievements of the main diplomats. How did European civilization change as a consequence of the Great War? Review dadaism, surrealism, and futurism and representative artists.

  8. What were the reforms of Alexander II? What were the various roles played by Trotsky during the Russian Revolution? Account for the decline and fall of the Soviet Union.

  9. What is meant by fascism? Compare its emergence in Italy and Germany. Examine Mussolini's and Hitler's ideas. Compare and contrast fascism with communism. What are the characteristics of totalitarianism and apply them to 1984.

  10. What were the causes of World War II? How did World War II differ from World War I in weaponry? In tactics? In Man's Search for Meaning describe how Frankl psychologically survived the ordeal of the camps. How did Mrs. Warschau survive?

  11. Describe the different interpretations concerning the Cold War. See Mr. X and Khrushchev. What is meant by decolonization? See Cabral and Fanon. Characterize a Third World state.

  12. How is the world trans-cultural? Do we face trans-cultural conflict? (Huntington) Can it be avoided? Apply several examples from R/P (your choice). The "Epilogue" of the textbook states that the 21st century will be your own. List what you consider to be the most significant problems.

  13. Mandatory: Comprehensive question: p. 234. Select one person from this course who personifies trans-culturalism. Explain your choice.

  14. Mandatory: Assess the importance of the individual as presented in Demian, Man's Search for Meaning, and 1984.

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