Study Guide for Quiz #4

The quiz will have 20 multiple choice questions. You should be familiar with the following terms -- what, when, where, and why they are significant -- from lecture and the readings:


Good Neighbor Policy
Rexford Tugwell
Luis Muñoz Marín
Jacobo Arbenz
Guatemala 1954
United Fruit Company
Cuba 1959
Fidel Castro
Platt Amendment
Fulgencio Batista
Bay of Pigs
Ernesto “Che” Guevara
foco theory
Massacre at Tlatelolco , Mexico
liberation theology
Salvador Allende
Chile 1973
National Security Doctrine
Augusto Pinochet
Alliance for Progress
bureaucratic authoritarianism
Operation Condor
Dirty War
Adolfo Scilingo
Nicaragua 1979
Daniel Ortega
Iran-contra affair
Rigoberta Menchú
Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso)