History of Latin America
Week 7: Populism: A New 'Hundred Years' Begins

Lecture outline
Readings: **Eva Perón , “Evita and the People” & "Peronist Feminism";
**Plotkin, "The Fundación Eva Perón"

Here's the study guide for Quiz #3

To the left: Eva Duarte Perón, wife of Juan Perón, defiantly emulated the styles of the upper-class women who scorned her, but attached herself to a wholly different kind of populist Politics. "Evita" died of cancer in 1952.

And as always, links of note:

Gabriela Mistral, the Chilean poet who worked with Haya de la Torre and Vasconcelos in Mexico's revolution-era Ministry of Education, and later won a Nobel Prize for literature. In Spanish and English.

The official APRA website

The BBC on APRA's Alan Garcia, current president of Peru

Latin America had been an exporter of coffee and sugar in the nineteenth century; in the twentieth, many Latin American countries also proudly exported their national arts and culture. The Argentinian tango, Brazilian feijoada, Cuban son--all these became fashionable abroad as well as within the nation in the 1930s and '40s. To the right, a romantic expression of Mexican indigenismo from Diego Rivera.

On Latin American cultural nationalism: