History of Latin America
Week 15: Migration and Immigration

Lecture outline
Readings: **Bowe, "Nobodies"
Roldán, "The 'Miracle' of Modernity in Medellín"

Discussion Board #7

On migration, neoliberalism/free trade, and human trafficking

Latinos in the U.S. meatpacking industry, from the Migration Policy Institute
Teenagers reflect on growing up between Chicago and Durango, Mexico, with their former fourth-grade teacher
The threat of Chinese labor to Central American maquiladoras
John Bowe interviewed by Jon Stewart, and on This American Life, "Competition," Act I 'Cowboys and Indians' (this time it's not Latin American, but Indian workers in Tulsa, OK)
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers home page
Marine private Guy Gabaldon, the "pied piper of Saipan," Mexican-American whose WWII story was told (but without reference to his ethnicity) in the movie Hell to Eternity
Marine lance corporal Jose Gutierrez, a Guatemalan migrant and one of the first soldiers to die in Iraq

Miscellaneous links of interest

Greg Grandin on U.S. foreign policy in Central America in the '80s and in Iraq today
Mexico quietly released the long-promised report on its own "Dirty War" last fall
Great aerial photos of Mexico City!!