Week 8—History of Latin America
The Cold War...

Transition to the Cold War

I. Pan-Americanism

- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- 1933-45, Good Neighbor Policy
- 1947, ECLA, Natl. Security Council, CIA

II. Puerto Rico, 1898-1950s

- 1900, Foraker Act
- Vieques
- 1910s-20s, Americanization campaign
- 1917, Jones Act
- autonomists vs. unionists vs. nationalists
- 1933-41, emergency relief aid
- 1942, Rexford Tugwell
- 1948, Luis Muñoz Marín
- Operation Bootstrap

III. Guatemala, 1954

- Jorge Ubico
- Juan José Arévalo (1944-50)
- Jacobo Arbenz
- 1952, land reform

United Fruit Company
John Foster Dulles (secretary of state)
Allen Dulles (CIA director)
John Moors Cabot (asst. secretary for Interamerican Affairs)

- 1952-53, Operations PBFortune and PBSuccess
- June 18-27, 1954, coup overthrows Arbenz

The Cuban Revolution

I. Cuba on the eve of revolution

A. Underemployment, urban/rural split
B. Political disaffection: politiquería

- 1902, the Cuban Republic
- 1906-09, 1912, 1917-20, U.S. military occupation
- 1920s-30s:

Ramón Grau San Martín (1933)
Platt Amendment overturned (1934)
Fulgencio Batista (1934-44)

- 1940s-50s

Grau re-elected (1944-48)
Ortodoxos and Eduardo Chibás
1952, Batista takes power again
July 26, 1953, attack on Moncada Barracks
Fidel Castro,“History Will Absolve Me”

II. The Cuban Revolution, 1959

- broad support
- moderate early revolutionary government
- radicalization, 1960-62

1960, U.S. oil embargo
1960, French ship exploded
1961, Bay of Pigs
1962, Cuban Missile Crisis

III. Exporting the Revolution/Guerrilla Warfare

- Ernesto "Che" Guevara
- Regis Debray
- focos
- Bolivia 1967-68
- Central America 1960s-80s