Native Americans, (Neo)liberalism, and the Environment

I. What is an Indian? (indígena/pueblo)

- as a racial category
- as a cultural category
- in relation to the nation-state: assimilation vs. autonomy vs. ??
- as a community of memory

II. A timeline of Indigenous activism

- antecedents
- since 1948:

1948, UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1966, UN Intl. Charter for the Rights of Mankind
1960s, emergence of NGOs dedicated to indigenous American causes
1974, Canadian indigenous group gets seat at UN
1980s, World Council of Indigenous Peoples

III. Native American Politics since the 1980s

A. Ecuador

1986, CONAIE
1990 uprising
2000 coup

B. Mexico

1992, Zapatistas (Chiapas)
Carlos Salinas de Gortari; NAFTA
"radical democracy,"anti-neoliberal

C. Guatemala

pan-Maya (intellectual/academic)
1999 referendum on indigenous rights
pan-Maya (environmental/defense of pueblos)

D. Bolivia

Evo Morales (Aymara, elected 2005, 2009)
Constitution of 2009: a plurinational unitary state

E. Countries with Indigenous minorities

Paraguay and Argentina (Guaraní)
Brazil (1988)
Colombia (1991)