Week Ten
The Mexican Revolution

I. Social effects of the Porfiriato

1. extreme concentration of wealth
2. modest growth of urban middle class
rural/urban split

II. The Mexican Revolution: Military Phase (1910-20)

1910 –

- Francisco Madero issues Plan de San Luís Potosí

1911 –

- Díaz resigns and goes into exile
- Madero wins elections to presidency
- Emiliano Zapata issues Plan de Ayala

1913 –

- Madero assassinated
- Victoriano Huerta becomes president
- Two fronts against Huerta:

in the south: Emiliano Zapata (Morelos)
in the north: the "Constitutionalists":

Pancho Villa (Chihuahua)
Venustiano Carranza (Coahuila)
Alvaro Obregón (Sonora)

1914 –

- U.S. invades Veracruz, Huerta resigns
- Convention of Aguascalientes

1915 –

- Battle of Celaya
- Carranza becomes president

1917 –

- Constitution of 1917
- Carranza elected president
- Zimmerman telegram

1918 –

- founding of Confederación Regional Obrera Mexicana (CROM)

1919 –

- fighting in Morelos
- Zapata assassinated

1920 –

- Carranza and Obregón split
- Carranza assassinated
- Obregón elected president

III. The Mexican Revolution: Constructive Phase (1920-40)

A. Reconstruction, 1920-28

1. No re-election

-Obregón 1920-24
-Plutarco Elías Calles 1924-28

2. Infrastructure

3. Demilitarization

-Pancho Villa assassinated 1923, final rebellions put down
-implementation of 1917 Constitution

4. Education and citizenship

-José Vasconcelos: the "Cosmic Race"

5. Catholic rebellion: The Cristero War, 1926-1929

-Obregón elected and assassinated by Cristero militant, 1928

B. The Calles "Maximato," 1929-34

- 1929, Partido Nacional Revolucionario founded (precursor of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional, or PRI)
- peace made with Catholic church- social programs abandoned
anti-communism, anti-semitism

C. Lázaro Cárdenas presidency, 1934-40

- 1936, expulsion of Calles
- agrarian reform; ejidos
- rural education
- 1938, nationalization of oil industry; PEMEX (Petróleos Mexicanos)

- PRN replaced by PRM (Partido Revolucionario Mexicano): labor, military, agrarian, popular representatives

D. Becoming Mexican

-Manuel Gamio, Frida Kahlo: indigenismo
-Diego Rivera + José Clemente Orozco + David Siqueiros: muralistas