The Oxfam Community Aid Abroad Website. This section is dedicated to the Nikewatch campaign. The title page contains a short description of its aim. It contains links to extensive reports and analyses on the conditions of the labourers working for Nike in the sweatshops in third world countries, news updates, discussions of the reports and the campaign initiatives.
Toolness website dedicated to Nike. This site is a parody of the Nike which uses its (Nike's) own vocabulary to bring out the harsh reality of the exploitation that takes place in the Nike sweatshops in the third world. In a link titled “Frequently asked questions” the conditions of the workers is explained in several stark and cynical questions.
CorpWatch website. It explains what a sweatshop is and contains links to several insightful articles related to this issue.
Boycott Nike Homepage. It contains a statement of its purpose which contains a description of the labour practices pursued by Nike in its sweatshops. Also contains links to significant sources reporting on Nike's labour practices which are constantly updated.
Global Exchange website. It contains links to the websites of different campaigns against Nike sweatshops, each of which contains its own outline of the Nike sweatshop story and its reasons for campaigning against Nike.
A world connected website. It contains sound background information on the sweatshops in the form of news and articles, facts and data on the controversy from newspapers and reports prepared by the US depts. of labour and commerce, the Smithsonian Institute as well as information on several books written on this topic.
Clean Clothes Campaign Website. A very comprehensive website containing among other things links to reports prepared by Global Alliance and National Labour Campaign on Nike, a Nike case file by the Clean Clothes Campaign in 1999, an archive containing the latest news articles on the Nike sweatshops as well as links to other relevant sites.
New York Public Interest Research Group Website. This group actively rallies against the abuses committed by Nike on the labourers in their sweatshops. It contains a link to Nike CEO Phil Knight Wealth Counter, which constantly calculates the amount of money he is making based on the Forbes Magazine latest estimate of his wealth comparing it with the amount of money paid to the Indonesian sweatshop workers per hour.
Albion Monitor Website. It is a essay on the Nike's exploits in the third world countries by the name of “Santa's Little Sweatshops with information on the plight of the workers in the different countries in which Nike has its sweatshops. It also contains links to relevant information.
The afscme local 34 website. Contains links to all the websites involved in the Nike sweatshop case. These websites include National Labour Campaign and the National Organisation for women. It also contains a link to the Nike's corporate responsibility report for the year 2001.
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