Malden Mills


1. The Boston Globe. “Photographic Essay of the Malden Mills Fire.” Contains photographs covering the fire in December 1995 to photographs in April 1996 when reconstruction of the mill began.

2. Link  to "60 minutes" Video

3. Paik Sunoo, Brenda. 1999 Managing Change Optimas Award Profile: Malden Mills, Inc. March 1999. This site gives details on the night of the fire and chronicles the corporation’s history, up to the date of the article.

4. Smith, Brenda. Meet the Companies Malden Mills also Saved. May 1998. The author discusses the impact the fire at Malden Mills had on other companies that were involved with Malden Mills.

5.Campbell, Kenneth. Malden Mills Owner Applies Religious Ethics to Business. April 1997. This story discusses a presentation delivered by Feuerstein to an audience at MIT.

6. Keller, Bruce. Malden Mills, Daylight from Ashes. This story details the project of the reconstruction of the mill after being destroyed by the fire. It is written by an employee of a company involved in the reconstruction of the plant.

7. CNN interactive. “Massachusetts Mill Town Celebrates Promises Kept.” September 1997. This article discusses the dedication of the reconstructed production plant. The site also contains three links to other pages discussing the Malden Mills tragedy.

8. University of Massachusetts. “SOM Highlights 1996~1997.” The page contains a photo of Feuerstein and a brief description describing the merits of his decision to reconstruct the plant and keep the employees on the payroll.

9 . Boulay, Art. Malden Mills: A Study in Leadership. October 1996. This story examines the Malden Mills case for universal principles applicable to any business.

10. Narva, Richard L. The Real Story of Malden Mills after the Fire. The author discusses the role of family values in Feuerstein’s decision to keep his employees on the payroll during the period of reconstruction.

11. Miller, Peter G. Bankruptcies Head toward Possible Record. January 2002. The author discusses some facts about Malden Mills as well as Enron, and suggests both cases present appropriate subject matter for philosophers and psychologists.

12. Boston Business Journal. “Malden Mills Files Chapter 11; Cites Agreement with Lenders.” November 2001. Brief article written to report the filing of bankruptcy by Malden Mills.

13. Industrial Fabrics Association International. Malden Mills Files Chapter 11. This site contains a more detail report on Malden Mills filing bankruptcy. It contains comments by Feuerstein as well as government officials.

14. CBS “Determined to Survive.” November 2001. The article discusses Feuerstein’s decision to file Chapter 11.

15. Kuro5hin. “There’s Trouble at the Mill.” December 2001. The article contains a summary of the happenings at the mill, including the bankruptcy. Many links are listed within the article for more information.

16. Pictures of Malden Mills 

17. News on Malden Mills Emerging from Chapter 11 and Recent Military Contracts


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