Welcome to Spanish 50!

Hi! Thanks for stopping by the web page for Scott Dale's Spanish 50 class, a course designed to locate and examine the landmark texts that map the trajectory of Hispanic literature. Web sites that complement the class include those focusing on the historic Camino de Santiago; the seminal events of 1492; selected texts of innovative Spanish poets from the 13th- through the 19th-century; selected poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega (1501-1536); poems of San Juan de la Cruz (1542-1591) and Santa Teresa de Jesús (1515-1582); selections from Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695); the infamous Lazarillo de Tormes (1554) and the Spanish picaresque novel; underrepresented 16th-century texts; the life of Francisco de Quevedo (1580-1645); Quevedo's sonnets; Luis de Góngora's (1571-1627) sonnet, "Mientras por competir"; Siglo de Oro literature; Siglo de Oro studies at the Universidad de Navarra; Siglo de Oro theater; Lope de Vega's (1562-1635) comedias; the new on-line text of Don Quijote (1605 and 1615); Emblematic Literature of Spain; seminal writers of the Ilustración; the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939); contemporary Spanish culture; geography and current demographics of Spain; and useful internet resources for hispanists. This web site will be updated as the semester progresses.

Professor Dale's web page has been visited  times since 14 January 2001.

Last modified on 14 January 2001.
This web page is maintained by dales@marquette.edu