Falling Bodies and Terminal Velocity

Pre-Lab Checklist

1. In your own words, describe the situation to be studied.

2. List and define each of the parameters to be measured directly.

3. List the quantities which will be calculated.

4. List any graphs you will need to create in your analysis of theexperiments.

Experiment Notes


  1. You are using the Pasco Interface instead of the BIB interface. Thereforeyou will need to change procedures 1 to the following:
  2. It takes a bit of practice to get the ball to bounce beneath the motiondetector in such a way as to show several complete bounces. If you continue tohave problems taking the data, talk to your TA. A clean set of data shouldshow a horizontal line when you are holding the ball at rest before release, ahalf-parabola for the original fall to the floor, and then a series of eversmaller parabola's as the ball bounces in place before coming to rest.
  3. When saving your file, name the files in the following manner: a:/bounce1.sws The a:/ will send the file to your disk in the a: drive.
  4. Procedure #4 as written in the lab manual applies to the BIB interfacerather than the Pasco interface. Use the following procedures to obtain aparabolic fit of your data.
  5. Procedure #5 as written in the lab manual applies to the BIB interfacerather than the Pasco interface. Use the following procedures to obtain alinear fit of the velocity versus time data.
  6. Due to time considerations, omit Procedure #6 and use the following datatable rather than the one given in the lab manual.


    Table 1. Falling Bodies

    Ball # Graph Fit Equation Acceleration (m/s2)
    1x vs. t

    1v vs. t

    2x vs. t

    2v vs. t



  1. Be very careful in the release of the coffee filters. If you pull yourhands away too quickly, they will generate enough of a breeze that the filterswill develop a significant wobble as they fall. The more cleanly you canrelease the filters, the better the data set will be.
  2. Don't release the filters until after you hear the ranger begin to clickand you see a horizontal line appear on the screen. This horizontal section ofthe data will mark the position of the filters before their release.
  3. When making your parabolic fit of the data, highlight the data from a fewsecond before release to the point on the data where you see it become linear.Try this a couple of times until the plot of the fit best matches the graph ofyour data.
  4. When making the line fit of the data to find the terminal velocity,highlight only that data at the of the end of the run where the filters are falling at a constant speed. Again, try this a couple of times until the plotof the fit best matches your data

Analysis Notes

1. Your results section should include the average acceleration for each ofthe two balls and the terminal velocities for each of the four sets of coffeefilters.

2. Describe the graphs that you obtain for the falling balls and the fallingfilters. How are they similar? How are they different?

3. Compare the accelerations of the two balls. Does the diameter of the ballaffect the measured acceleration of the motion? Explain why you think this isso.

4. Explain how you determined the location at which the filters reachedterminal velocity. Did the number of filters affect how far the filters fell before reaching terminal velocity? Explain why you think this is so.

5. Explain how you determined the terminal velocity reached by each set offilters. Does the number of filters affect the terminal velocity reached? Explain why you think this is so.

Grading Breakdown


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