Torque and Rotational Equilibrium

Pre-Lab Checklist

1. In your own words, describe the situation to be studied in thisexperiment.

2. List and define the parameters to be measured directly in thisexperiment.

3. List and define any quantities that will be calculated in thisexperiment.

4. What is the sign convention for torques?

Experiment Notes

1. It is very important that the meter-stick support clamp is positionedwith the knife edge on the upper edge of the stick and the screw on the bottomedge of the meter-stick.

2. Remember to include the mass hanger and the clamp in the total mass foreach of the individual masses hung from the meter-stick.

3. The data tables for this experiment assume that there is only one pivotpoint for this experiment. In Procedure 6a and 6b, you will be treating the support stand as the location of the pivot. When calculating the total torquesin Procedure 6c - 6e, remember that the lever arms are different when measured from a different pivot point.

4. In Procedure 7b, calculate the percent difference between the results of7a with the measured mass of the meter-stick.

5. Be sure to record the number of the unknown you use in Procedure 8.

6. The Challenge is required for this experiment.

Analysis Notes

1. The results section of your report should include results from 7a, themeasured mass of the meter-stick, and the percent difference between them. Itshould also include number, the calculated mass, and the measured mass of yourunknown.

2. Discuss any trends that you noticed while performing this experiment. For example, how did the location of the larger masses compare to those of thesmaller masses, etc.

3. In Procedures 7 and 8, you were asked to compare mass values obtainedfrom the total torque calculation with values of the mass that were directlymeasured. Were your values equal to within experimental error? Why or whynot?

4. Explain your answer for the Challenge question.

Grading Breakdown


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