
   The pleasant demeanor quickly turns sour and the complements turn to horrible vulgarities and warnings to beware of hell.  

     A young girl enters a bus quietly, discreetly.  She is quickly approached by another young woman, who has a very pleasant demeanor about her.  She calls the new rider a sweetie and says, ìExcuse me, would you mind sparing some change for me pleaseî?  The young girl has absolutely no money on her and apologetically replies that she can not.  The pleasant demeanor quickly turns sour and the compliments turn to horrible vulgarities and warnings to beware of hell.  The girl, completely startled and stumped, again apologizes and exits the bus at her stop.

    A student on his way home from class passes another man who politely asks him to stop for a minute.  He slowly explains that he needs money for bus-fare to go to the hospital to see his wife who is in labor.  The student checks his pocket and finds nothing.  Apologizing, he walks away.  The next day, he bumps into the same man who tells him the same story.  Unfortunately, the student again has no money and has to tell him no.  Two weeks later the same man explained to the student that his wife was in labor.  The student advised the man that most likely his wife had had the baby and was home by now.

    Taking a brisk walk, one fall afternoon, a man is approached by a woman who asks him for a cigarette.  The man explains that he doesnít smoke.  She then asks for a lighter instead.  The man again explains that he doesnít smoke.  The woman begins to get angry and accuses him of lying.  She chases after him saying that she deserves to smoke too and he should share.  The man gets away, oddly wishing that he smoked.

    Usually not carrying money on her, a certain woman often feels guilty for not being able to help people who are in need and asking for help.  One random day, however, this particular woman has some money in her pocket for some things she needs to purchase.  When asked on the street for some money, she, glad that she can finally help, energetically pulls the money out of her pocket. As she reaches into her pocket, the man requesting the money gets very excited and appreciative, telling her that she is very kind and generous. She looks in her hand and sees a ten-dollar bill and a one-dollar bill.  Remembering she must pick something up at the store, she hands him the one-dollar bill.  The man, seeing that she also has a ten, asks her for that.  The woman says, ìIím sorry, but I need this to buy something myselfî.  The man begins to tell her that she is selfish and greedy and needs to learn how to share with people who are not as fortunate as she.  As the man remains behind her yelling, the woman walks away, feeling slightly fortunate that she had never carried money on her in the past.