Time to Take a Stand
By: Mike Klonowski
    Since the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the media has put the Department of Defense under a microscope.  Any action, no matter how small, has been noted and analyzed.  With this vigilant surveillance, it was only a matter of time until leaks would surface.  Just recently, a memo from an unnamed department official was discovered by an unidentified source and was revealed to members of the media.  These are the contents of that memo:

    The U.S. has been spending a lot of time in the last few weeks deciding what to do in response to the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.  It seems senseless to continue talking about a problem that can only be solved by a commitment of ground troops.  Enough of this air strike/unmanned missile approach; it is time to send in the boys!  Letís show the world what America is all about!  But, perhaps before we send over thousands of military personnel halfway across the world, we should show everyone that we mean business.  A good place to demonstrate our impressive military capabilities would be a location close to the United States.  Perhaps somewhere with familiar terrain, and where we would have easy access by air, land and seaÖ Cuba?

    Fidel Castro and his regime have been a thorn in the side of America for the last forty-two years.  Castro and his followers have been picking at our capitalist ideals over the duration of nine presidential administrations.  Repeatedly, the borders of America have been penetrated by so-called Cuban ìRefugees,î which beg for the mercy of the country of freedom.  In recent years, people are showing more and more skepticism of the U.S. Government.  But, note that as the number of these Cuban ìFreedom Seekersî increase, distaste for the government increases as well.  The U.S. has had enough of these violation influences and it is time to retaliate.  We need to show Fidel Castro that we will not stand for his cavalier approach to dealing with the greatest power that the world has ever seen.  True, we have had difficulties in the past with trying to eliminate the threat of Castro and his followers.  But, now we have the superior know-how and technology that we did not have in the sixties to do what is necessary.

    America will show again and again that it will previal.

    How do we succeed at what other have only failed?  First, we need to pinpoint Castroís location, so that we know exactly where we need to direct our forces.  Due to recent cutbacks in the C.I.A., there are a limited number of intelligence field agents that could find Castro.  It would seem more dependable to use different means of intelligence collection.  We found out recently, in China, that perhaps we should not use planes that are equipped with twenty-four people in its crew.  There are too many possible prisoners-of-war if the plane is shot down.  It would make a great deal of sense if we just went back to using the dependable, single-piloted U-2 surveillance plane.  Both planes do have a record fro being brought down by hostile forces, but which situation seems easier to deal with; recovering twenty-four crewmen, or just one? It seems that the U-2 is the obvious choice.  Iím sure that Gary Power would agree with me.

    Once we have found Castro, we will be able to cleanse the world of his infectious presence.  It has been over forty years since the last time we have tried to invade the island of Cuba.  But, the U.S. military, which was one naïve to the methods of guerilla warfare, has learned to perfect the styleís most complex techniques.  In Vietnam, we learned how to survive in the jungle.  There were those who did not survive, but they were the ones that did not adapt well to guerilla warfare.  But, those who did survive obviously had genetic advantages and adapted well.  After returning from war, they eagerly passed on their newly acquired knowledge including their genetically superior offspring.  This generation of the American military is better prepared to deal with the threat of guerilla warfare than previous generations.  Our success is guaranteed.  The U.S. is so confident in its abilities that it has helped train freedom fighters in other countries in guerilla warfare.  In the last few decades we have not only trained forces in half a dozen South American countries, but helped train Afghan troops how to repel Soviet troops during the Soviet-Afghan War, brilliance! The U.S. Military not only has the necessary means to eliminate Castro, but also has the confidence in their use.  It is only a matter of time until Castroís demise.

    It is time for the United States of America to take a stand, and show the world we mean business.  Castro is the first step.  We will show that we will not stand for dangerous men like Castro to continue in his and othersí violence insinuating ways.  The U.S. will stand proud after the routing that it will give Cubaís renegade, and we will continue to spread our good around the world.  America will show again and again that good will always prevail.  There needs to be an entity that will stand up for the common good for all the people of the world.  There were the Romans, then the British, and now it is Americaís time to act in the worldís best interest.  With our endless supply of troops, assault rifles, and grenades, we will hunt down violence once and for all.