Official Name. Republic of El Salvador.
Capital. San Salvador.
Area. 8,124 square miles (21,041 square kilometers).
Population (1983 estimate). 5,235,700; 644 persons per square mile (249 persons per square
kilometer); 50 percent urban, 50 percent rural.
Major Language. Spanish (official).
Major Religion. Roman Catholicism.
Literacy. 64.2 percent.
Highest Peak. Santa Ana.
Major River. Lempa.
Form of Government. Republic.
Chief of State and Head of Government. President.
Legislature. Legislative Assembly.
Voting Qualification. 18 years of age.
Political Divisions. 14 departments.
Major Cities (1983 estimate). San Salvador (445,100), Santa Ana (132,200), Mejicanos
(86,500), San Miguel (86,500), Delgado (64,600).
Chief Manufactured and Mined Products. Clothing, food products, pharmaceuticals, shoes,
silver, textiles.
Chief Agricultural Products. Crops beans, coffee, corn, cotton, rice, sugarcane. Livestock
cattle, chickens, pigs.
Monetary Unit. 1 colon = 100 centavos.