African Latin America
I. The Iberian slave tradition
- not exclusively African
- urban domestic slaves, artisans; 10-15% of Lisbon pop. in 1630
- African cofradías (e.g., St. Benedict the Moor)
- manumission
II. The African Atlantic slave trade
A. The Plantation Complex
1. Origins: Portuguese sugar plantations, 15c
- Cape Verde
- the Azores2. Defined by:
- size
- African slave labor
- capitalist agriculture + feudal relations
- high mortality rate
B. The Atlantic Slave Trade, 1500-1866
- 10+ million, AFTER 15-20% mortality during Middle Passage
5.1 million to Brazil (40-50% of total trade)
2-2.7 million to British Caribbean
900K-1.5 million to Spanish America
1.1 million to the French Caribbean
325-475K million to Dutch colonies
250-400K to British North America (2-4% of total trade)
60-100K to Danish colonies
C. Is Latin American slavery different?
- significant free black population
- slave population never self-replicating
- quilombos: runaway slave societies
III. Social and Cultural Effects of the African Slave Trade
A. Demographic
- Barbados in 1645:
37,000 whites and 5,700 slaves
60% of whites were property owners- Barbados in 1685:
17,000 whites and 50,000 slaves
Most property owned by the few- Jamaica 1730s-80s: 10:1 ratio black/white
- Mexico City, Lima by mid-17c are majority 'mixed'
B. Cultural
1. Music: cumbia (Colombia), son (Cuba), lando (Peru), samba (Brazil)
2. Religion: candomblé & umbanda (Brazil), santería/orisha (Cuba), vodou (Haiti)
C. The development of "race"- limpieza de sangre
- república de indios/de españoles
- castas: mestizos, mulatos
- calidad:gente decente vs. plebeian
Old Christian/New Christian
Pure blood/impure blood
Nonmanual workers/manual workers1. Español - India = Mestizo
2. Español - Mestiza = Castizo
3. Castizo - Española = Español
4. Español - Negra = Mulata
5. Español - Mulata = Morisco
6. Español - Morisca = Alvino
7. Español - Alvina = Torna atrás
8. Indio - Negra = Lobo
9. Indio - Mestiza/Castiza = Coyote
9. Lobo - Negra = Chino (3/4 Negro, ¼ Indio)
10. Chino - India = Cambujo (5/8 Indio, 3/8 Negro)
11. Indio - Cambujo = Tente en el aire (13/16 Indio, 3/16 Negro)
12. Tente en el aire - Mulata = Alvarasada (13/32 Indio, 11/32 Negro, 8/32 Español)
13. Alvarasado - India = Barsino (45/64 Indio, 11/64 Negro, 8/64 Español)
14. Barsino - India = Campamulata (109/128 Indio, 11/128 Negro, 8/128 Español)