Liberalism's Golden/Gilded Age
I. Social Darwinism and Positivism
1. Immigration, 2.5 million to region (cf. 15 million to U.S.)
Italy, Spain, Portugal
German, French, British
Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews
Turkey, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria
Chinese, Japanese, South Asians2. "Order and Progress": authoritarian rule → economic growth → political democracy
II. Economic Modernization/Neocolonialism
- Mexico: 900 % exports growth 1877-1910: sisal, henequen, coffee, sugar, cotton
- Brazil: 2/3 world supply of coffeeWar of the Triple Alliance (1865-1870): Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina)
Free Birth Law (1871)
Abolition (1888)
Brazilian Republic (1889)
- Amazonia: rubber
- Cuba: 5 million tons sugar annually by 1929, world's largest producerTen Year's War (1868-78); Antonio Maceo, José Martí; Abolition 1886
- Chile and Peru: nitrates, copper, iron
War of the Pacific (1879-1883)
- Argentina: 1000x more wheat in 1900 as 1876
- Bolivia: tin; Simón Patiño's superestado minero
- Ecuador: cacao
- Central America, Colombia: bananas & coffee
- Venezuela: oil