HIST174 – History of Mexico
The Nation Emerges

Liberal Ascendancy, 1855-1872

I. The War of La Reforma

- Revolution of Ayutla, 1855
- Ley Juárez (1855) and Ley Lerdo (1856)
- Constitution of 1857
- Benito Juárez (Zapotec)

- War of La Reforma, 1858-1861

II. The Second Empire

- May 5, 1862, Cinco de Mayo (Puebla)
- 1864-66, Emperor Maximilian
- replaced by
Juárez, 1861-64, 1867-72

III. 'Indians' under Liberalism

- in independence wars
- and the Catholic church
- and the 'castas' -- mestizos and ladinos
- and Liberal reforms:

Ley Lerdo (1856)
Tepoztlán (Morelos, Mexico)
the Yaqui
Caste War of Yucatan (1848-1901)