Phys198 | May 5, 1997 |
a sin q = ml
b sin q = ml
![]() |
distances to satisfy far-field imaging |
f = x/(lz) | spatial frequency in Fourier plane |
w = (Dn p)/tan q | shadow speckle photography |
w = (Dn p)/sin q | projection speckle photography |
k = 2p/l
g = e2 - e1 | |
g ·d = Dn l | |
g = [0, 2] | magnitude range |
Sobj = 1.22 Ll/D | objective speckle size |
Ssubj = 1.22 (M + !)lf/a | subjective speckle size |
1/f = 1/s + 1/s'
M = -s'/s
p = lD/d | Young: speckle motion |
p = nlf/r | Fourier: speckle motion |
Dy = p/M | specimen motion |
w = nl/2 | out-of-plane motion, small angle beams |
u = nl/(2 sin q) | in-plane motion, symmetric beams |
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