Phys 198 | April 16, 1997 |
In the discussions that follow, it is
assumed that a double exposure speckle photograph has been taken
of a relatively flat, diffusively reflecting surface that was
compressed vertically between exposures. The specklegram was
obtained by imaging the surface onto a film plate located in
front of the surface using a lens of suitable focal length. The
illumination used was an expanded beam from a HeNe laser. The
setup for obtaining the specklegram is shown at the right.
Analysis of the specklegram on the film plate can be performed by
either of two methods. The Young's fringes method is a
point-by-point technique that gives the magnitude of in-plane
motion and the line-of-motion, but not the signed direction. This
sign must be determined by additional knowledge external to the
specklegram. The other method utilizes Fourier filtering and is a
full-field method that gives information about a particular size
of displacement component. For instance, if the surface was
basically compressed, proper placement of a filter aperture in
the Fourier plane will produce a set of fringes that show, for
example, the loci of all points on the surface whose total
in-plane motion had a component of 8 microns along a line
oriented at 45 degrees to the left of vertical.
This is a simple-to-implement point-by-point method of
analysis that gives information about the direction and magnitude
of the speckle displacement between the two exposures of the
specklegram. The sign of the motion is unknown and must be determined from
information obtained extrinsic to the specklegram. In the sketch
at the right, assume that a small pencil of light of wavelength l is transmitted through a selected region
of a double-exposure specklegram. A screen is located a distance D
from the specklegram. Because of the 'twinning' effect of the
before-and-after double-exposure, a set of Young's fringes is
seen on the screen. By measuring the fringe spacing d
and observing the orientation of the in-plane normal to the
fringe lines, it is possible to determine the speckle spacing p.
The calculation involved starts with the Young interference
equation: p sin q = l. For the small angles usually involved,
sin q = d/D, so the
speckle displacement p = lD/d.
This is not yet the displacement of points on the original
surface because of the magnification involved in imaging the
original surface onto the film plate using the lens. To get the
magnification factor, recall that 1/f = 1/s +
1/s' and m = -s'/s, where s
and s' are the object and image distances to the lens, f
is the lens focal length, and m is the (image/object)
height ratio (with a minus sign if the image is inverted).
Scaling the speckle displacement p by this magnification
factor m will give the displacement on the object
surface of points at the location imaged by the region of the
specklegram which is illuminated by the small-diameter laser
beam. The direction of the normal to the speckle fringe pattern
shows the line-of-motion along which this displacement occurred,
but the actual direction of motion must be determined from
knowledge other than the specklegram.
This method of analysis gives full-field information about speckle displacements, but only for particular displacement components in a chosen direction. The setup for the procedure is shown in the figure below:
The key to this procedure is the positioning of the aperture
in the Fourier filter. The sensitivity of the measurement depends
on the distance of the aperture from the center axis. For
instance, if a small aperture A is located at a distance r
from the optic axis of the image, then a speckle spacing of p
and an orientation of q with respect
to the x axis anywhere in the specklegram grating will
cause light to be sent through the aperture A in the
Fourier filter located at the focal plane of the lens if p
= nlf/r, where n is some
integer, and f is the focal length of the lens. Note
that a different speckle spacing p' and different
orientation q' will send light through
the aperture if the displacement component of that speckle pair
measured along the direction of the first speckle pair satisfies p
= p' sin f, where f = |q' - q |. Thus the observed fringes are the loci
of constant displacement components which satisfy the given
requirement. Again, the specklegram does not give the actual
direction of displacement, but only the line-of-motion. The
actual direction must be determined from external knowledge and
cannot be obtained from the specklegram. Note that by moving the
aperture in and out along a radial line, the sensitivity of the
measurement can be changed. The point is that the sensitivity is
changed not during data acquisition, but during data analysis.
Finally, note again that the measurement of speckle displacement p
must be multiplied by the magnification m due to the
lensing setup.
The Fourier filter method seems to give more information over the entire surface than the Young's fringes method, but it is more difficult in practice than the other method because of the difficulty of accurately positioning the filter aperture. Also, if the aperture is kept small, the amount of light that passes through it is also small, and a rather lengthy time exposure is required to obtain the desired fringe pattern.
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Last Modified on April 22, 1997Visitors to this page :