The five images given below were all formed with light from a He-Ne Laser (wavelength = 633 nm)
Image 1: Single Slit Diffraction:
Image 2: Double Slit Interference (Young's Experiment):
Image 3: Square Set of Squares:
Image 4: Circular Aperture: |
Image 5: Grating: |
Hint: To solve for two unknowns you need two independent measurements. Thus, since the spacing of the single slit diffraction minima is constant, you won't gain much by measuring black line spacings. However, maxima are a different story. The secrets of the universe, as least as far as single slit diffraction is concerned, are obtainable from the following graph:
Circular diffraction is a different story, since there is no linearity in the spacing of either the maxima or the minima. Some values of the Bessel Function of the first order (not picked at random) are: J1(u) = 0 when u = {0, 3.832, 7.016, 10.173, ...}
Last Modified on April 20, 1997