Course Descriptions and Syllabi
SPPA 031 - Phonetics 3
semester hours
Patterns of normal, dialectical,
and defective production of American English speech sounds, with practical
experience in phonetic transcription according to the International Phonetic Alphabet. Offered Fall term. Prereq:
SPPA major; or SPPA minor; or SPLA major; or consent of Department Chair.
SPPA 036 - Anatomy and
Physiology of Speech and Hearing Mechanism 3 semester hours
Anatomy and physiology of the
speech production mechanism, including bases for phonation, articulation,
breathing, and neural control. Offered
Spring term. Prereq: SPPA major; or SPPA minor; or
SPLA major; or consent of Department Chair.
SPPA 134 - Speech Science 3
semester hours
Study of the speech code. Linguistic, physiological, and acoustical components
of the code are considered in relation to both speech production and
recognition. Instrumentation useful in the clinical and laboratory analysis of
speech is considered. Offered Fall term. Prereq: SPPA
major and SPPA 36; or SPLA major and SPPA 36; or consent of Department Chair.
SPPA 139 - Normal Speech and
Language Development 3
semester hours
Overview of general linguistic
concepts and their application to the acquisition of language by young
children. Theories
of language development from infancy to early school age. Offered Fall term. Prereq: SPPA major; or SPLA major; or consent of
dept. chair.
SPPA 140 - Language Disorders
in Children 3
semester hours
Survey of the linguistic and
developmental characteristics of children with special needs who have primary
or secondary difficulties acquiring their native language. An overview of descriptive
assessment of language profiles, and language intervention issues.
Multicultural issues related to child language differences and disorders also
are studied. Offered Spring term. Prereq: SPPA major
and SPPA 10 and SPPA 139; or SPLA major and SPPA 10 and SPPA 139; or consent of
the dept. chair.
SPPA 142 - Articulation and
Phonological Disorders 3
semester hours
Evaluating and treating children and adults with speech
disorders. Theories of normal speech sound acquisition are introduced and
applied to our understanding of speech disorders. Information
on etiological factors and classification of speech disorders. Offered Spring term. Prereq: SPPA major and SPPA 10 and SPPA 31 and
SPPA 36; or SPLA major and SPPA 10 and SPPA 31 and SPPA 36; or consent of
Department Chair.
SPPA 143 - Stuttering and Other
Fluency Disorders 3
semester hours
Introduction to the symptomatology, phenomenology, etiology,
assessment and management of stuttering and other fluency disorders in children
and adults. Offered Spring term. Prereq: SPPA major
and SPPA 10; or SPLA major and SPPA 10; or consent of dept. chair.
SPPA 148 - Multicultural Issues
for Speech-Language Pathologists 3
semester hours
The study of culture and communication in
linguistically diverse populations [i.e., Non- Standard American English
speakers, Native Americans, (with emphasis on Wisconsin Native tribes)Asians, and Latinos]. The course will include L1 and L2
acquisition profiles and information pertaining to service delivery with non-native
English speakers. The U.S. Latino population will be emphasized. Students’
knowledge and understanding of racism will be explored. This course will meet
the multicultural requirements for the Wisconsin Department of Public
Instruction licensing in speech-language pathology. Offered Spring
term. Prereq: Jr. stndg.
SPPA 151 - Clinical Procedures
and Management 3
semester hours
Clinical procedures and management techniques for
diagnosis and remediation of clients in a variety of clinical settings are
taught. Topic areas include issues and ethics in serving birth to three,
multicultural and developmentally disabled populations. Other topics include
report writing/documentation, quality assurance, private practice and
professional organizations. Offered every other term.
Prereq: consent of dept. chair; and SPPA major and SPPA 142; or SPLA major and
SPPA 142; SPPA 153 must be taken concurrently.
SPPA 152 - Procedures in
Medical and School Settings 3
semester hours
Terminology, laws and procedural requirements for
speech-language pathology programs in both school and medical settings will be
introduced. Students will become
familiar with documentation and professional interactions in a variety of work
settings. A combination of lecture and
simulated activities will be utilized to prepare students for functioning in
off-campus medical and school placements.
SPPA 158 - Diagnostic Methods
in Speech-Language Pathology 3
semester hours
The purpose of this course is to provide the students
with an understanding of the components inherent in the diagnostic process.
These include but are not limited to: a) an overview of diagnostic models, b)
sources of delays and disorders, c) purposes of assessment, d) interviewing techniques,
e) testing and measurement caveats, f) framework for analysis of the data, g)
interpretation of results to families or referral sources, and h) report
writing. Offered Fall term. Prereq: SPPA major and
SPPA 139; or SPLA major and SPPA 139; or consent of dept. chair.
SPPA 172 - Introduction to
Audiology 3
semester hours
Principles and techniques of audiometric testing; study
of basic acoustics; review of anatomy and physiology of the hearing mechanism; introduction
to pathologic conditions of the hearing mechanism; laboratory work in basic audiometric
test procedures. Offered Spring term. Prereq: SPPA
major and SPPA 36 and SPPA 134; or SPLA major and SPPA 36 and SPPA 134; or consent
of dept. chair.
SPPA 173
- Hearing Problems 3
semester hours
Extensive study
of hearing disorders and the psychological and social implications of hearing impairment. Habilitation/rehabilitation strategies are
discussed. Offered Fall term. Prereq: SPPA major and
SPPA 172; or SPLA major and SPPA 172; or consent of dept. chair.
SPPA 241 - Child Language
Intervention Issues 3
semester hours
Includes basic information
pertaining to current theories of language impairment in children. A detailed examination of the linguistic
characteristics typical of children with primary and secondary language
impairments is provided along with issues concerning the differential diagnosis
of children with language disorders. Information pertaining to both theoretical
and applied aspects of language intervention from infancy through adolescence
is provided. Issues pertinent to assessment and intervention with multicultural
populations are embedded in the lecture material throughout the semester.
Offered Fall term.
SPPA 242 - Traumatic Brain
Injuries 3
semester hours
Surveys communicative/cognitive
disorders subsequent to head trauma. Topics include neurophysiology of brain functions, linguistic and
cognitive deficits, assessment and management of patients with closed-head
injuries. Offered Summer term. Prereq: SPPA 247 and SPPA
SPPA 243 - Dysphagia 3
semester hours
Anatomy and physiology of the normal swallow in
adults; anatomic and physiologic disorders affecting the process of swallowing
(deglutition) with emphasis on radiographic and bedside diagnostic and
treatment procedures. The class will include a lab experience and analysis of videofluoroscopic
studies of the swallowing process. Offered Summer
SPPA 244 - Voice Disorders 3
semester hours
An in-depth examination of normal
and pathological voice. Topics
considered include forces producing phonation, measures of glottal function, and
the effect of pitch, intensity and other variables on vocal function. Emphasis
on the diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders using clinical
instrumentation. Offered Fall term.
SPPA 246 - Craniofacial Speech Disorders 3
semester hours
Intended to provide a background in
craniofacial speech disorders. Will begin with a review of embryological development of the
head/face, craniofacial syndromes and their etiologies, and the anatomy and
physiology of the velopharyngeal mechanism. The importance of “team care”
and the role of the various disciplines on the craniofacial team will be
discussed. Both instrumental and non-instrumental assessment techniques will be
presented. Intervention will focus primarily on adapting traditional and phonological
approaches to the treatment of craniofacial speech disorders. Offered Spring term. Prereq: SPPA 142 or equiv.
SPPA 247 - Neurological Bases
of Speech and Language Disorders 3
semester hours
Focuses on fundamentals of
neuroscience as it relates to human behavior. Areas discussed include: clinical neurology,
neuroanatomy and physiology, neuroembryology, neuroradiology, neurosurgical
principles, sensorimotor systems and their applications in the assessment and management
of neurogenic communicative disorders. Offered Fall
SPPA 248
- Neuromuscular Disorders 3
semester hours
A survey of the etiology,
symptomatology and clinical management of major neuromuscular and organic
articulation disorders. Topics
discussed include dysarthria and apraxia. Offered Spring
term. Prereq: SPPA 247.
SPPA 249 - Aphasia 3
semester hours
A comprehensive review of
neurogenic disorders of adult language. Topics discussed include: differential diagnosis of aphasia, linguistic
analysis of different aphasic syndromes, clinical testing, and rehabilitation.
Differential diagnosis of language disturbances associated with dementia and
right/left hemispheric pathologies will also be discussed. Offered Fall term. Prereq: SPPA 247, which can be taken concurrently.
SPPA 260 - Augmentative and
Alternate Communication (AAC) 3
semester hours
Deals with certain problems met when attempting to
habilitate or rehabilitate children and adults who have essentially normal
hearing for whom speech is unlikely to be adequate for at least some
communicative purposes (either temporarily or permanently). Intended to acquaint
participants with the gestural and instrumental augmentative communication strategies
that have been developed to provide them with the information necessary to both
select the most advantageous strategy for a particular client and teach him or
her how to use it. Offered Summer session.
SPPA 261 - Clinical Research
Methodology 3
semester hours
Methodologies involved in identifying, formulating, and
answering questions relevant to the impacts of diagnostic and therapeutic
programs on persons who have communicative disorders. Offered Spring term.
SPPA 265 - Intervention Issues
with the Birth-to-Three Child 3 semester hours
Screening, assessment and
family-based intervention issues specific to the communicative aspects of the
birth-to-three child. The course will
emphasize identification and treatment issues specific to P.L. development,
multicultural considerations, case management, and interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary
assessment and intervention. Offered every Summer.
SPPA 281
- Speech and Language Assessment in Bilingual Populations 3 semester hours
Study of the principles and
techniques of assessing bilingual populations with an emphasis on the
Spanish-English bilingual speaker.
Instruction in formal and informal methods and strategies for
assessing speech and language skills in children and adults. Prereq:
SPPA 158 or equiv.
SPPA 282 - Speech and Language
Intervention in Bilingual Populations 3
semester hours
Study of intervention approaches
and techniques in the remediation of communication disorders in bilingual
populations, with an emphasis on the Spanish-English bilingual speaker. Speech and language intervention techniques which
focus on facilitating language for learning, language for communication, and the
remediation of speech and language impairments in adults and children will be included.
Offered Summer session.