to Reach Me
Office: Cramer
Hall 230J
Lab: Cramer
Hall 230T
Office Hours: Monday
3:00-4:30, Tuesday 12:30-2:00 or by appointment
Phone: 414-288-5190
† purchase at Book Marq
* on electronic reserve
at Raynor Library
* |
Bernthal, J.E. &
Bankson, N.W. (1998). Articulation and
Phonological Disorders. Fourth Edition. |
* |
Crystal, D. &
Davy, D. (1975). Advanced
Conversational English. |
* |
Crystal, D. (1981). Clinical Linguistics. |
* |
* |
B. (2001). Transcription of Spanish and Spanish-Influenced English. Communication Disorders Quarterly., 23(1),
54-60. |
* |
K.E., & Meredith, L. H. (2001). Phonetic Transcription of African
American Vernacular English. Communication
Disorders Quarterly, 23(1), 47-53. |
* |
† |
L.D. & Kent, R.D. (2013). Clinical Phonetics. 4th edition. |
* |
Trudgill, P. &
Hannah, J. (1994). International
English. 3rd Edition. |
* |
Wolfram, W., Adger,
C., & Christian, D. (1999). Dialects
in Schools and Communities. |
will be used for the phonological analysis project (download from
or run on computers in SPPA student lab)
Long, S.H., Fey, M.E, and Channell, R.W.
(2007). Computerized Profiling (CP)
(MS–DOS version 9.7.0).
Video and Audio Tapes
These tapes and video
have been converted to digital files that you can play on your computer. You
can download them from D2L.
Minifie, F., Wall,
Shriberg, L.D. & Kent, R.D. (2003). Clinical
Phonetics. 3rd edition. (Cassette tape recording: Packet of 4 tapes).
Online Resources This “Companion Web
site” for the Shriberg & Kent textbook contains practice quizzes for each chapter
as well as audio speech samples and transcription keys for additional practice
with children who have speech delay and residual speech errors. Note that the
transcription keys (in pdf files) are illegible. Download a legible key here.
practice (.mp3 files) (right click to download)
speakers transcription worksheet
speakers transcription key
Terminology and Sample Questions to review for
link for a review document may not work (i.e., you’ll see “The page cannot be
found”) until a week before before that exam.
installation instructions for PC
installation instructions for Mac
to be covered in each class are listed in the table below, along with the texts
that should be read. Quiz dates are in boldface. Examination dates are also
shown. The PDF links will let you download all the Powerpoint slides shown in
class for a given unit. The PDF link for a given unit may not work (i.e.,
you’ll see “The page cannot be found”) until a few days before we begin that
unit in class.
Dates |
Topics |
Practice |
Quiz practice |
Quiz key |
8/25 M 8/27 W 8/29 F |
Linguistic phonetics |
Shriberg & Kent, ch. 1 & 2 |
Broad transcription of citation speech |
9/1 M |
no class (Labor Day) |
9/3 W 9/5 F 9/8 M |
Overview of speech
anatomy & physiology |
Shriberg & Kent,
ch. 3 |
Broad transcription
of citation speech |
9/10 W 9/12 F 9/15 M |
Vowels &
diphthongs |
Shriberg & Kent,
ch. 4 |
Broad transcription
of citation speech |
9/17 W 9/19 F 9/22 M 9/24 W |
Consonants |
Shriberg & Kent,
ch. 5 |
Broad transcription
of citation speech |
9/26 F |
First Examination |
9/29 M 10/1 W 10/3 F |
Connected speech |
Crystal & Davy |
Broad transcription
of connected speech |
10/6 M 10/8 W 10/10 F |
Developmental events
and processes in normally speaking children |
Broad transcription
of immature citation speech |
10/13 M 10/15 W |
Computerized methods
for recording phonetically transcribed data |
Bernthal &
Bankson, pp. 378-390 CP documentation (on disk) |
Broad transcription
of immature citation speech |
10/17 F |
no class
(Undergraduate midterm break) |
10/20 M 10/22 W 10/24 F 10/27 M 10/29 W |
Diacritics |
Shriberg & Kent,
pp. 107-120 |
Narrow transcription
of immature citation speech |
10/31 F |
Second Examination |
11/3 M 11/5 W 11/7 F |
phonology |
Shriberg & Kent,
pp. 93-107 |
transcription |
11/10 M 11/12 W 11/14 F 11/17 M 11/19 W |
Phonological concepts
& principles |
Bernthal &
Bankson, pp. 48-51 Schane |
Narrow transcription
of immature citation speech |
11/21 F 11/24 M |
Dialectal variation |
Wolfram, Adger, &
Christian Trudgill & Hannah Pollock Goldstein Shriberg & Kent,
Chapter 10 |
Broad transcription
of dialectal speech |
11/26 W 11/28 F |
no class
(Thanksgiving holiday) |
12/1 M 12/3 W |
Dialectal variation
(cont.) |
12/5 F |
catch-up |
12/9 Tu |
1:00-3:00 pm Final Examination |