al-Ghazali, Incoherence of the Philosophers
Discussion 3 (2018-19)

al-Ghazali, Incoherence of the Philosophers
Discussion 3 (2018-19)
al-Farabi Ibn Sina al-Ghazali Ibn Rushd
AAIWG Research Seminar
An International Live Video Seminar on
Al-Ghazali’s Incoherence of the Philosophers
Discussion # 3
“On showing their obfuscation in saying that
God is the world’s enactor and maker . . . .”
Prof. Fehrullah Terkan, Ankara University
Prof. Richard C. Taylor, Marquette University
Prof. Fehrullah Terkan*, University of Ankara; Prof. Richard Taylor*, Marquette University; Prof. Traci Phillipson*, Marquette University; Prof. Therese S. Cory, University of Notre Dame; Prof. Luis López-Farjeat*, Universidad Panamerican; Prof. Katja Krause, MPI, Berlin; Prof. Haris Macic, Katip Celebi University (Izmir); Prof. Ayse Oktay*, Suleyman Demirel Universitesi (Isparta); E. M. Macierowski, Benedictine College, Kansas; Prof. Jianlu Wang, Heilongjiang University, China; Prof. Edward Ryan Moad*, Qatar University; Prof. Isabelle Moulin, Strasbourg, France, Prof. Stephen Ogden, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC; Prof. David Twetten, Marquette University; Prof. Timothy Noone, The Catholic University of America.
Graduate students:
Mr Brett Yardley*, Marquette University; Mr Nick Oschman*, Marquette University; Mr Mark Schulz*, Marquette University; Ms Rayann Jabber*, Marquette University; Ms Armagan Atar*, University of Ankara; Mr Jacob Andrews*, Loyola University of Chicago; Aysenur Erken, Ankara University.
Deborah Nash*
* Indicates confirmed participants.
Dates of Seminars
29 September 2018
27 October 2018
23 February 2019
30 March 2019
Times on Saturdays
Times: 9:30-11:30 am US Mountain; 10:30-12:30 US Central ; 11:30-1:30 US Eastern; 17h30-19h30 Central Europe; 18h30-20h30 Turkey.
Dates: all Saturday: #1: 29 September 2018; #2: 27 October 2018; #3: 23 February 2019, #4: 30 March 2019.
Marquette University Campus Location: Raynor Library 320a
General Format:
(a) Video lectures and/or texts of lectures will be posted for study one week in advance of seminars.
(b) Live video discussion via internet
2 hours:
Short introduction of no more than 10-15 minutes to issues by the assigned presenter.
Then the floor is open for discussion.
#1a: 29 September 2018: Short remarks on the Prefaces of al-Ghazali by Marquette and KULeuven graduate student Brett Yardley in 5 min., followed by short 15 min. open discussion. Brett will send out a written text and a link to a video presentation on 22 September or before.
Yardley video: click HERE. Yardley text: click HERE or HERE.
#1b: Avicenna background by Marquette graduate student Mark Schulz: 10 min. presentation then followed by 80 min. discussion. Mark will send out a written text and a link to a video presentation on 22 September or before.
Schulz video: click HERE. Schulz text: click HERE.
#2: 27 October 2018 al-Ghazali, Incoherence: Third Discussion: “On showing their obfuscation in saying that God is the world’s enactor and maker . . . "
Prof. Fehrullah Terkan. Prof. Haris Macic & Aysenur Erken: 15 min. short presentation followed by open discussion.
For the presentation by Prof. Terkan, click HERE.
#3: 23 February 2019 Ibn Rushd, Incoherence of the Incoherence Discussion 3; tr. Van Den Berg 1954; Arabic Bouyges 1930. Prof. Traci Phillipson, Marquette. Short 10-15 min. presentation followed by 100 min. discussion.
(See video presentation and text distributed one week in advance.)
9:30-11:30 am US Mountain; 10:30-12:30 US Central ; 11:30-13:30 US Eastern; 17h30-19h30 Central Europe; 17h30-19h30 Turkey.
For the presentation by Prof. Phillipson, click HERE.
#4: 30 March 2019 General discussion of texts studied led by Prof. Luiis López-Farjeat (Universidad Panamericana).
(See video presentations and texts distributed one week in advance.)
9:30-11:30 am US Mountain; 10:30-12:30 US Central ; 11:30-13:30 US Eastern; 17h30-19h30 Central Europe; 17h30-19h30 Turkey.
Some Introductory Video Lectures
on Ibn Sina, al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd
from the classes of Prof. Taylor
Ibn Sina:
Lecture 1 of 3: Click HERE.
Lecture 2 of 3: Click HERE.
Lecture 3 of 3: Click HERE.
Lecture 1 of 2: Click HERE.
Lecture 2 of 2: Click HERE.
Ibn Rushd:
Lecture 1: Click HERE.
Those wishing to attend these meetings live via Skype
should contact
at least 24 hours in advance and agree to the conditions
of attendance indicated on the Welcome page of this website.