Arabic Readings


Readings will come from selections from Avicenna’s De Anima and Metaphysics.

The Metaphysics of The Healing: a parallel English-Arabic Text, Michael E. Marmura, tr.

Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 2005.  There are also two Italian translations and a French translation of this.

Avicenna’s De Anima (Arabic text), being the Psychological Part of the Kitâb al-Shifâ’,

Fazlur Rahman, ed. London & New York: Oxford University Press, 1959.

Latin version in

Avicenna, Liber De Anima, seu Sextus De Naturalibus.  Simone Van Riet, ed. Louvain: Éditions orientalistes; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1968-72

French translation of Arabic in v.2 of:

Psychologie d’Ibn Sina, Jan Bakos, ed. & tr. (Prague: Editions de Académe Tchécoslovaque des Sciences, 1956).

At present there is no English translation available, though Michael Marmura has a draft translation in progress.