Summer Conferences

Summer Conferences
Annual Summer Conferences
Organized by Prof. Richard C. Taylor of the the Department of Philosophy at Marquette University and DWMC member at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Prof. Sarah Pessin of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Denver, Director of the University of Denver’s Center for Judaic Studies
For information on each year’s summer conference,
click on the relevant link at the top of this page.
Prof Sarah Pessin, University of Denver
Prof. Richard C. Taylor, Marquette University
al-Farabi Avicenna Averroes Maimonides Gersonides Ibn Gabirol Augustine Aquinas Scotus
New Format, New Archive starting in Summer 2014
Beginning in Summer 2014 we are transforming our conference structure into a series of annual summer International Workshops with a new format of a three-day event with intensive international expert workshops in the mornings (9 am - 12 noon) and contributed papers in the afternoon.
We use internet tools for live presentations by experts from around the world for the morning intensive workshops. The morning workshops will be webcast and also recorded to create a free internet video archive of expert presentations. Afternoon sessions may be webcast.
While initial sponsors are Marquette University and the University of Denver, we hope to collaborate with other universities worldwide for sponsorship of the events and the archive series.
The following is the present planned order for these workshops:
2014 al-Farabi (Marquette University)
2015 Avicenna (University of Denver)
2016 al-Ghazali (Marquette University)
2017 Averroes (Marquette University)
2018 Maimonides (University of Denver)
2019 The Liber de causis in the Arabic and Latin Traditions (Marquette University)
2020 Maimonides and the Latin Tradition (location TBA)
2021 Albert the Great and the Arabic Tradition (Marquette University)
2022 Aquinas and the Arabic Tradition (University of Denver)
2023 Importance of the Arabic Tradition in 13th Century Europe (for thinkers other than Aquinas and Albert) (Marquette University)
2024 TBA (University of Denver)
2025 The Arabic Tradition and Late Medieval Philosophy in Europe (Marquette University)
2026 The Arabic Tradition in Renaissance Philosophy (1) (University of Denver)
2027 The Arabic Tradition in Renaissance Philosophy (2) & Beyond (Marquette University)