Essay #2 Guidelines

Guidelines for the essay on “The Island”
Due Date: Essays must be uploaded to no later than 11 pm Monday 3 December (new deadline) 2018

Be sure to follow the Guidelines precisely in preparing the essay assignment!			
Essay Assignment on the movie, THE ISLAND.

NOTE: MU used to allow access to this movie free via D2L. But this year policies have changed and that is not permitted. So you have to access the movie in another way. Here are some:
the MU library has two copies you can borrow;
both Amazon (rent for 48 hrs $3.99) and iTunes (rent for 24 hrs $3.99) have the movie available. Maybe other services also have it but I leave that to you to explore.
A suggestion: I suggest you see it once for fun and to have an overview of the whole movie and then you see it a second time to study it for your essay assignment.

You must make use of the assigned readings: on the Reserve ARES System			
			(i) “Egoism,” by Robert Shaver, in the Stanford Encyclopedia of
			Philosophy at
			(ii) “Egoism and Altruism.” by Richard Kraut in The Routledge
			Encyclopedia of Philosophy also available via an MU link at   
                        Also available at
			(iii) “Moral Relativism” by Chris Gowans, 
			in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy at

In your essay, 
(a)  explain the key teachings of the following ethical theories: (i) Ethical Egoism, (ii) Moral Relativism, (iii) aspects of Aristotelian Virtue or Eudaimonistic Ethics, (iv) aspects of Kantian Deontological Ethics and (v) aspects of Mill’s Utilitarianism;
(Be sure your essay demonstrates that you have studied the assigned readings listed immediately above.)
(b) identify aspects of the movie which exemplify each of those ethical theories; and
offer your view on what ethical approach is best used in determining what is right and what is wrong overall in regard to the central issues of the movie. Be sure to give reasons for your view in a reasoned and argued account. class IDs:

Note the following:
All students must submit a one-page outline of the essay to by 11 pm Monday 3 December (new deadline) 2018.
Students must meet with me at my office to discuss the essay outline in the afternoon of Friday 16 November. This is required. A sign up sheet will be passed around in class on 13 November.
Essays should not exceed ca. 1200 words or 7-8 typed, double spaced pages in 12 pt Times font, with a full bibliography on additional pages.
NOTE: A ONE PAGE OUTLINE OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE ESSAY IS REQUIRED AND MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE FINAL ESSAY. Essays submitted without an outline will have the grade reduced by one letter grade.
Electronic copies of final essays must be uploaded to no later than 11 pm Monday 3 December (new deadline) 2018. NOTE: PLACE THE OUTLINE OF YOUR ESSAY AT THE FRONT OF THE FILE YOU UPLOAD TO YOU MAY UPLOAD ONLY ONE FILE.
- Essays will be graded on the basis of philosophical content as well as clarity, proper grammatical form, and spelling.  Proofread your essay before submitting it! Spelling counts! Excessive errors (more than three) will result in a lowering of the grade by 1/2 grade, or more (1 full grade for more than six, and so forth).
- Each essay must be accompanied by a one-page detailed outline of the structure of the essay. Late papers will not be accepted.
Again, the DEADLINE: Electronic copies of course essays on The Island must be uploaded to by 11 pm Monday 3 December (new deadline) 2018 
Password will be provided at class.
*Take Special Note: I expect all students to take advantage of the MU Ott Writing Center for help with this essay. Students who provide evidence to me that they have consulted with the Writing Center on their essays in one or more appointments will have an additional 3 points added to their score before the final essay grade is determined. ATTACH A PDF COPY OF YOUR RECEIPT FOR YOUR CONFERENCE ON YOUR PAPER AT the MU Ott Writing Center.
The Ott Memorial Writing Center offers free one-on-one consultations for all writers, working on any project, at any stage of the writing process. Marquette's writing center is a place for all writers who care about their writing, because every writer can benefit from conversation with an interested, knowledgeable peer. Writing center tutors can help you brainstorm ideas, revise a rough draft, or fine-tune a final draft. You can schedule a 30- or 60-minute appointment in advance (288-5542 or, but walk-ins (in 240 Raynor or our other satellite locations) are also welcome. The Ott Memorial Writing Center also offers free workshops and hosts writing retreats.