Philosophy 2310


Course Information



Phil 2310, section 116: TT 12:30-1:45 pm, LL296 

Phil 2310, section 117: TT 2:00-3:15 pm, LL296

INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Richard C. Taylor

OFFICE: 437, Marquette Hall, fourth floor

MAILBOX: Marquette Hall, first floor

TELEPHONE: 414-288-5649; FAX: 288-3010


OFFICE HOURS:  Regular Office Hours: 

Tuesdays 11:05 am -12:05 pm at MH 437; and 5:15-6:15 pm at the AMU Cafeteria,

Thursdays 3:30-5:00 pm at MH 437 and 5:15-6:15 pm at the AMU Cafeteria.

And by appointment at other times.



     The broad goals of this course are for me to assist you (1) as you come to understand how several important ethical systems attempt to deal with moral problems and (2) as you take from them the insights which you come to deem most valuable for the formation of your own moral thought here and now. The starting point of our work in this course will be your own reflections on language, meaning, ethics and morality as representatives of or participants in contemporary American culture and society. Although the title of this course is "Theory of Ethics," the study of ethical or moral systems of thought involves more than theory. Individual and group human experiences of life as lived play a significant role in the critical judgments we will need to bring to bear upon the theories. What is at issue here is the judgment of what constitutes right, correct, proper, or good human behavior and action and what constitutes behavior for which human beings should be admonished or condemned. And, insofar as we take this seriously, the study of ethics is not just theoretical but also practical. That is, ethical studies bear on human life and concern what we should or should not do with our lives. To that extent, the study of ethics provides us with a special opportunity to reflect critically on our own actions, motives and goals and to work toward the creation of a moral self or person who is rationally sophisticated and critically aware of the complexity of the human person, that is, toward the creation of a morally mature person who acts with purpose and takes responsibility for those actions. And it is our actions and the purposes behind them which constitute or create the moral persons we become.

     In this course we will consider the philosophical views of the following:

(1) Moral Relativism; (2) Ethical Egoism; (3) Aristotle in his NICOMACHEAN ETHICS; (4) the Feminist critique of Aristotle and the methodology employed by Feminist thought; (5) Immanuel Kant in his GROUNDING FOR THE METAPHYSICS OF MORALS; and (6) John Stuart Mill in his UTILITARIANISM. We will then turn our attention to (7) ethical thought as found in the Abrahamic traditions of Judaism, Islam and Christianty. Finally, (8) we will conclude the course with consideration of Chinese ethics today.

     Our class discussions will be aimed at critical understanding of these with the purpose of taking from each what we find after reflection to be of value for your own efforts at moral thought. The purpose of the course is not to study history, ideas or culture for their own sake but rather to use these as important opportunities for formulating your own sophisticated ethical views and principles.

     Intellectual reflection and dialogue to stimulate thoughtful understanding and deeper thinking are essential in philosophy as well as in other sciences.  To further these in the course, students are required to submit on D2L one written question on the readings for each class session.  Selections from these will be discussed in class.


University and Department Learning Outcomes

As a course in the University Core of Common Studies, Phil 2310 Theory of Ethics is required to meet two of the three Core Knowledge Area Learning Outcomes.  (Note: Outcome 1 is addressed in Phil 1001 Philosophy of Human Nature and as background for Phil 2310 Theory of Ethics is not directly assessed in this course.)  The Outcomes are as follows:

1. Assess views of human nature in various philosophical traditions, including classic Greek and Catholic philosophical traditions.

2. Argue for one of the major ethical theories over another in terms of philosophical cogency and practical outcome.

3. Use philosophical reasoning to develop the student’s own position on central issues in human nature and ethics, for example, the relation between mind and body, the problem of freedom and determinism, the spiritual and affective dimensions of human life, the extent of human knowledge, the justification of moral judgments, and the elucidation of moral norms.

Philosophy Department approved

“General Learning Objectives for Philosophy 104 [now 2310]”

By the end of the course,

1) The student will be able to state and provide reasons for the basic positions of the major philosophical theories of Western ethics, including virtue theory, natural law theory, deontology, and consequentialism / utilitarianism. Method of Assessment: This will be assessed in daily assignments, in the exams and also in classroom discussion.

2) The student will be able to state and provide reasons for principal objections to major Western ethical theories, including ethical egoism and various forms of moral relativism. Method of Assessment: This will be assessed in classroom discussion.

3) The student will be able to discuss a significant alternative to traditional Western ethics as it relates to Western ethics. Method of Assessment: This will be assessed in Exam 1 and also in classroom discussion concerning Feminist thought.

4) The student will be able to compare and contrast positions of the ethical theories studied in the course. Method of Assessment: This will be assessed in Exam 4 and also in classroom discussion.

5) The student will be able to take and defend a position in ethics that addresses significant objections to the position. Method of Assessment: The exam essay requires the student state and defend her own position and raise and respond to one or more significant objections to that position.

These five Philosophy Department approved “General Learning Objectives for Philosophy 104 [2310]” as well as the required University Core Knowledge Area Learning Outcomes ## 2 and 3 are met by these sections of Phil 2310 Theory of Ethics through the specific learning outcomes for this course.

The specific learning outcomes for this course include the following:

Students will:

• define key terms central to the philosophical study of ethics, such as good, virtue, justice, incontinence, intemperance, prudence, wisdom, pleasure, happiness, end, teleology, practical anthropology, metaphysics of morals, good will, free will, duty, autonomy, categorical imperative, freedom, natural necessity, consequentialism, utility, hedonism, utilitarianism, right, first order questions, second order questions, intuitionism, double effect, corrupt consciousness, culpably corrupt consciousness, intension, extension and more. (University Outcomes ## 2 & 3, Philosophy Department Objectives #1-5)

• Identify, construct and evaluate ethical arguments (University Outcomes ## 2 & 3, Philosophy Department Objectives ##1, 4, 5)

• State reasons for basic tenets and themes of a number of major theories of Western Ethics, such as virtue theory, deontological theory, natural law theory, consequentialism / utilitarianism, and divine command theory, indicating also the conceptions of human nature underlying these (University Outcomes ## 2 & 3, Philosophy Department Objectives ##1, 4, 5)

• State principal objections to traditional Western theories from the standpoints of ethical egoism and moral relativism (University Outcome # 2, Philosophy Department Objective #2)

• Discuss Western theories in relation to significant alternative theories, specifically feminist theory (Philosophy Department Objective # 3)

• Compare and contrast the views of various theories identifying similarities and differences among terms and arguments, with explication by way of reasoned analysis (University Outcomes ## 2 & 3, Philosophy Department Objectives ##1-4)

• Use terms and theories discussed and logical skills for analysis and assessment of moral decisions and processes (University Outcome # 3, Philosophy Department Objectives ##1-5)

• Develop and defend her own ethical positions on the basis of her studies against significant objections (University Outcome # 3, Philosophy Department Objective # 5)


Students are required to use the following texts and to bring the relevant texts to each class meeting.


(1) Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, translated by

Terence Irwin. *2nd ed.* Indianapolis, Hackett Publ. Co.

(2) Immanuel Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, translated by

James W. Ellington Indianapolis, Hackett Publ. Co.

(3) John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, edited by George Sher, Indianapolis,

Hackett Publ. Co.

(4) Other readings: All are available online or through D2L.

(i) “Aristotle: Women, Deliberation, and Nature” by Deborah K. W. Modrak in Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist Readings in Plato and Aristotle, Bat-Ami bar On, ed. (Albany: SUNY

Press, 1994) pp. 207-222.

(ii) Eve Browning Cole, “Women, Slaves and ‘Love of Toil’ in Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist Readings in Plato and Aristotle, Bat-Ami bar On, ed. (Albany: SUNY

Press, 1994) pp. 127-144.

(iii) “Moral Relativism” by Chris Gowans, in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy at

(iv) “Egoism,” by Robert Shaver, in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy at

(v) “Egoism and Altruism” by Richard Kraut in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy available via D2L.                         

(5) Readings on Religious Ethics: See the Detailed course syllabus for precise readings.

  1. (i)Jewish Religious Ethics: readings TBA

  2. (ii) Islamic Religious Ethics: readings TBA

  3. (iii) Christian Religious Ethics:  readings TBA

  4. (iv) Chinese Ethics Today:

Study Expectations and Class Participation Expectations

Students are expected to prepare for class in advance of classroom discussions by reading and studying assigned materials before class. Students are also required to submit questions in advance of class as explained below. At class students must be prepared for written work on important questions and for oral discussion of readings and philosophical issues at every class meeting.  Class participation is an essential part of this course.

Policy for Students with Disabilities or Special Needs

Please see me privately if you have any documented disabilities or special needs. I will be glad to work with you has necessary to make this a valuable learning experience.

For University policy see:

For the implementation accommodations, students must normally identify themselves to the instructor within the first week of classes as students with documented disability as certified by the Office of Disability Services (ODS).  I will work closely with the staff of the ODS in establishing reasonable accommodations as defined by University policy. Students seeking accommodations must register with ODS and receive appropriate certification.


Grades will be based on :

  1. (1)20% Exam #1 Aristotle & Feminist critique                                                            

  2. (2)20% Exam #2 Kant    

  3. (3)20% Exam #3 Mill                                                                                                   

  4. (4)20% Exam #4 (final)

  5. (5)10% Participation : In-class writing exercise and questions (graded 0, 1, 2)

  6. (6)10% Participation : Class discussions and essay on PHRONESIS, “Prudence”.

Student Groups

After the submission of the in-class writing exercise including one question from each student, questions for group discussion will be distributed to the groups.

Five (5) groups of four (4-5) students will be formed for discussion of the question assigned to each group. The groups will report their discussion of the question to the class for discussion by the whole class.

Student in-class writing exercises and questions

After the first 5=10 minutes of class, students will write a reflection on the assigned readings and will append one question based on the readings. These will then be collected and the student group discussion questions will be selected from these.

This activity will be graded on D2L to make up 10% of the course grade.


While grades will be recorded on D2L for student access, only my own version of the grade sheets is official.

Normally no make-up exams will be permitted and no late papers will be accepted.

Note the following:

Grading will be with a 100 point system. A 93, A-90-92, B+ 87-89, B 83-86, B-80-82, C+ 77-79, C 73-76, C- 70-72, D+ 67-69, D 63-66, D-60-62, F less than 60.


A very limited number of regular extra credit opportunities in the form of classroom presentations on the Feminist Critique of Aristotle will be available on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis for two groups of three volunteers. Students who complete these assignments successfully may receive up to 3 points added to their final exam grade.

OTHER EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES may arise depending on current events and on-campus special events and speakers. Good work will result in the dropping of a low quiz grade.

The maximum number of Extra Credit Opportunities for each student is two (2). For each extra credit exercise completed in a satisfactory way, 3 points will be added to the final exam grade. These Extra Credit Opportunities will be available only until 15 April 2019.


FACULTY OFFICE HOURS AND CONTACT INFORMATION: See above at the top of this document.



Academic Dishonesty Policy

       Dishonesty in academic matters undermines student intellectual development and the goal of Marquette University to develop the whole person. Further, dishonesty undermines the foundations of the search for the true and the right in ethical matters. Cheating in such forms as copying, sharing answers or questions, plagiarism and the like certainly cannot be tolerated in any university course, and all the more so in this course on the Theory of Ethics.  The Marquette University Academic Honest Policy is spelled out on at

       Students who have any questions about just what constitutes academic dishonesty should study the Academic Honesty Policy and bring any questions to me to forestall any problems.



Class Attendance and Absence Policy

       For this course students are expected to attend each and every class meeting. Attendance will be taken at the start of class. Students arriving later will be marked absent. For this course attendance is included as a measure of academic performance, in accord with the policies of the Helen Way Klinger College of Arts and Sciences. Regarding attendance and grading, see


       Unofficial grades will be recorded on D2L for student access. My personal copy of grading sheets will contain official grades for the course.


Here is the ideal rhythm of the class:

10 min      Morally Relevant Song(s) with some discussion

5 min        Ethical issues in the news: One item with some discussion

5 min        Writing exercise and questions

5 min        Groups meet to discuss assigned question

20 min      Class discussion

15 min      Review lecture of key issues in the assigned readings

5 min        Preview of next class

10 min      Definitions

75 min total


Monty Python: Philosophers’ World Cup:

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Phil 2310-116 (TT 12:30): 19947430

Phil 2310-117 (TT 2:00): 19947434

passwords: announced in class