Review 3
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Phys 4, Section 2    Preparation for Exam 3             May 1, 2002


Textbook: Young & Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, 10th ed.
Exam Date: Tuesday, May 7, 8:00 - 10:00 am in WW141


Chapter 35: Geometric Optics
35.2-35.7 Reflection and Refraction; mirrors and lenses; convex, concave.
    1/f = 1/s + 1/s'     m = -s'/s     M = 25/fcm     f = R/2     1/f = (n-1)(1/R1 - 1/R2)

Chapter 36: Optical Instruments
36.2         Cameras, f-stops         f# = f/D
36.4-36.6  Magnifier, M = θ'/ θ, microscopes and telescopes

Chapter 37: Interference
37.2         Constructive and destructive interference; d sin θm = mλ
37.3-37.4  Young's two-slit experiment, intensity in interference (cos2 φ)
37.4         Thin films ("high to low…", λ = λo/n)

Chapter 38: Diffraction
38.3     Single-slit diffraction; a sin θm = mλ
38.4     Intensity in diffraction (sinc2 β function)
38.8     Circular apertures (Airy disk) and Rayleigh's criterion for resolution

Chapter 40: Photons, Electrons, and Atoms
40.3     Photoelectric effect (Einstein), E = hf,     Kmax = hf + φ
40.5     Rutherford and the nuclear atom (Ramsden and scattering expt.)
40.9     Blackbody radiation (Planck), E = nhf         h = 6 × 10-34 J·s
40.10    Bohr and complementarity

Chapter 41: Wave Nature of Particles
41.2     DeBroglie waves λ = h/p
41.4     Uncertainty principle (Heisenberg) Δx Δpx ђ             ђ = h/2π

Chapter 45: Nuclear Physics
45.2     Nuclides (N, A, and Z) and isotopes; A = N + Z
45.3     Nuclear force (short range and strong)
45.4     Nuclear radioactivity (α, β, γ)


Also included are any short lecture topics which may not be covered in the text.


Last modified on May 01, 2002