Solutions 1


Solutions 1
Solutions 2
Solutions 3
Solutions 4

Feb 2001


Problem Set 1:

1.  Estimate the smallest dot that can be seen from 20 cm.  Assume that the dot cannot be seen if its image stimulates only a single cone in the fovea, and that the fovea is 1.5 mm in diameter and that the effective lens center of the eye is 14 mm from the retina.

Textbook (p. 17) says that a cone is 0.5 micron in diameter, with cone-to-cone spacing of 3.0 microns (I assume center-to-center spacing here). In worst case, image of dot will be centered on one cone and could have a radius of (3.0 - 0.25) microns without stimulating a second cone. So max diameter of image without being seen could be 5.5 microns. Magnification M = di/do where image and object distances are measured from the effective lens center. M = 14/200, so ho = hi/M = (200)(5.5)/14 = 78.6 microns is minimum diameter of dot to guarantee it will be seen.

2.  About how long will it take to transmit a 256 level (8 bits) grayscale image of size 512 x 512 at a baud rate (bits/s) of 9600? 

[(512 x 512 x 8) bits]/[9600 bits/s] = 218 s = 3.6 minutes

3.  A 4 x 4 image has values {{3,1,2,1(q)},{2,2,0,2},{1,2,1,1},{1(p),0,1,2}}.  Compute the D4, D8, and Dm distances between p and q subject to V{0,1} [i.e., considering only pixels with values of 0 or 1].

D4 and D8 do not depend on belonging to set, so D4 = 6 and D8 = 3. Dm, however, does require that the path follow pixels belonging to the specified set V = {0,1}. So Dm = 5.



Last modified on February 20, 2001