Solutions 2


Solutions 1
Solutions 2
Solutions 3
Solutions 4

Feb 2001


Problem Set 2:

1.  Show that the discrete Fourier transform and its inverse are periodic functions.  Assume 1-dimensional  functions.

since exp(-j2πx)= 1 for all integer x.

2.  Show the validity of the translation properties of the discrete 2-dimensional Fourier transform pair.  Show the translation properties for the special case of a square image when wo = zo = N/2.

f(x,y)exp[j2πwox + zoy)/N] ó F(w - wo, z - zo)

is easily shown by just substituting w+wo, etc, in the defined exponential kernal for the Fourier transform and its inverse. For the special case wo = zo = N/2

Substitute wo = N/2 and recall that exp[-j2π(N/2)x/N] = exp[-jπx] is +1 for even x and -1 for odd x; same is true for zo = N/2 and the y values. So plugging in these values for the exponential exp[-jπ(x+y)] gives (-1)x+y. Therefore multiplying the original images values by (-1)x+y will center the spectrum in Fourier space.

3.  A one-dimensional function f(x) is sampled at four points: xo = 0.5, x1 = 0.75, x2 = 1.0, and x3 = 1.25, producing data values f(x) at those points of 2, 3, 4, 4, respectively. Calculate the Fourier transform, and determine the Fourier spectrum.

Here N = 4, and x(0) = 2, x(1) = 3, x(2) = 4, and x(3) = 4.


F(2) = -(1 + j0)/4 and F(3) = -(2 + j)/4 .

The spectrum is given by taking the modulus of each of the above terms:

|F(0)| = 3.25

|F(1)| = [(2/4)2 + (1/4)2]1/2 = (√5)/4

|F(2) = [(1/4)2 + (0/4)2]1/2 = 1/4

|F(3)| = [(2/4)2 + (1/4)2]1/2 = (√5)/4


Last modified on February 20, 2001