Dr. Rebecca Nowacek
Department of English
Klingler College of Arts and Sciences


English 104: Advanced Composition

Welcome to English 104.  This course is designed to help you develop your skills as a writer: to increase your control over the process of writing and to hone your awareness of how a sense of audience, persona, tone, and other elements of style can influence the ways that readers make sense of and respond to your writing. Ultimately, my goal is to help the writers enrolled in this course develop two qualities as authors: fluency and flexibility.  Toward that end, English 104 is designed around the workshop method—which means working in groups to share your own writing and respond thoughtfully to that of others—and on a deferred grading system that encourages significant revision throughout the semester.  Although much of the work in this class will consist of your own writing and the reading and discussion of your classmates’ writing, we will also discuss Joseph Williams’ Style as well as essays on a variety of themes. 


Course Description

Course Schedule

Major Assignments

Style Exercises

     Williams Exercises

     Imitation Exercises

Grading Criteria

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