Feb 12, 2001
Frequency Space Filtering
First step is to center everything; the image data must be multiplied
by (-1)x+y, while the x and y frequencies, n and
m, must be offset by N/2:
f(x,y) => f(x,y)(-1)x+y,
while for an NxN array

Image Restoration
Sometimes an image is blurred or degraded by an optical system, motion,
defects, etc. If the transfer function of the degradation is known (this is a big
if) then a process of inverse filtering can restore the original image.
Assuming little or no noise,
G = HF so F = G/H
This works if there is little noise and the transfer function H(n,m)
is known. If there is noise, the process falls apart. Even then, a more
sophisticated method using the so-called Weiner filter can sometimes give
back a fairly well restored image. However, the real limitation of such methods
is the need to know H.

Non-Linear Spatial Filters
Instead of using the spatial mask in a convolution process, sometimes the
mask is used simply to obtain the neighboring values of a pixel, and various
ordering systems are used to determine the proper substitution to obtain a good
new pixel value. This may include using the median value (as in the median
filter discussed earlier), the maximum or the minimum value, a weighted value
(throw away some of the values from both ends). This is called using rank
or order statistics.
Last modified on February 12, 2001